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Marketing & Selling through a global marketing services provider

It's can be a successful strategy.

Marketing and selling a product through a global marketing services provider to international market, it can be a successful strategy for your business run globally. The benefit of using our services is that you get the advantage of our extensive knowledge for the target market where you can get opportunity to sales your products which boost on your business revenue. “Assensus One” provide services to our clients from around the world including all of support to our clients in the matter of launch a newly innovated products to the new market other than country of origin of manufacture. So, get started with us and boost your business revenue.
Why you need global marketing service provider ?
Better Options
A global marketing service provider is a better option to identify and exploit opportunity sales and marketing to overseas markets.
Avoids The Costs
Appointing a global marketing service provider, companies can avoid the recruitment, training, time and payroll costs of using their own employees to enter overseas markets.
Solid Relationships
A global marketing service provider already have solid relationships with potential market and buyer, hence it saves the time and money of the exporter to build their own contacts.
More Controls
A global marketing service provider, can help to companies or exporter to maintain more control over matters such as final price and brand values.
Profit of Companies
Appointing right A global marketing service provider not only exchange of profit of companies also avoid any risks associated with a sales for their overseas markets.

Implementation of Global Marketing Policy

This task is very sensible

A global marketing service provider can be making and implementation of global marketing policy, managing your company’s marketing and sales globally, creating a global market for your products. So, this task is very sensible and no company will want to delegate to novice marketing service provider. The role of expert a global marketing service provider or marketing consultant and business agent is crucial in the maintenance of the financial gains of the company, and it is also important in the extension of business to various regions in the world.

Highly Trained Global Marketing Consultants

can create new market for your products

At Assensus One, we have a number of highly trained global marketing consultants, providers and business development managers who can create new market of your products to the clients and also convince them about the usability and advantages of the products. We can help you in the sales and effective marketing of your products to customers around the world. Our global marketing service experts are multilingual and can explain the interests and values of your products to clients in their own language.


We offer state-of-the-art global marketing solutions that will have an immediate impact on revenue of your business. We use the right strategy for our clients to deliver the proper sales globally.
adequate solutions
We will identify the marketing challenges and proffer adequate solutions. Our team of expert international marketing solution providers identify the ideal market for business expansion and provide a full market-entry implementation.
Research the market
We research the international market which helps to determine the region with the best prospects for export of your products. We also provide our clients with adequate assistance for overcoming international barriers such as localization and language barriers.
We work for our client's to choose a country based on the talent of our outstanding marketing team and we do it differently than others average companies. Based on our client's product, we do a pre-screening of the chosen market, evaluate the competition and sales strategy.
We offer detailed market and feasibility study for our clients to launch or sales a product. Assensus One ensures that our customers receive all the information they need to make informed decisions based on our market research, which is specifically tailored to the needs of our clients
We pre-select target companies and their key decision makers so that the marketing and sales process to them very precisely. We cooperate with partners as potential buyers for our clients' products. We work until our clients are fully satisfied.
Based on the feasibility study and market research information, we create and execute a unique marketing and sales strategy for our clients. We never give up and keep working until the sales target of the client's products will meet.
We customized databases, including the direct contact details of key decision makers of the customer. Our sales strategy and database will help our clients to get excellent results in marketing and sales globally.
We quickly implement a proven marketing strategy and plan to enter and exploit new markets quickly and efficiently. We take the formula for international marketing with an iterative approach which can be the latest marketing methods.
Do you needs Global Marketing Services Provider?
Assensus One provides Global Marketing Services across several nations and regions including in Europe, Asia, and the USA. Based on our client's product, we do a pre-screening of the chosen market, evaluate the competition and marketing and sales strategy. We create long-term partnerships that add value through a combination of high quality international marketing support to companies or exporters from around the world.